China, Korea, & Japan:
The New Pandemic

Too Few Workers,
Too Many Elderly,
Too Little Automation.

And It’s All Moving West!

China, Korea, and Japan are suffering the very same “too few, too many, and too little” affliction simultaneously.

Excerpt from Podcast Episode #28:
Can Robots Save East Asia?

China's Plan Is to Spend...Big!

China, well aware of the disastrous consequences ahead if no quick action is taken, will spend. Think, domestic Belt & Road for its “new infrastructure initiative”.

China Back in Business with Industrial Robots
A $1.4 trillion “new infrastructure initiative” has put the buzz back into China’s automation quest.  READ MORE>>

 China’s “Robot Dividend” Has Three Faces
Will China become the first of the fast-aging industrialized nations to transform a severe onrushing demographic decline into a robot dividend?  READ MORE>>

Korea's Plan Amazingly Robust & Smart

With its population expected to drop from 51 million in 2024 to 36 million, Korea has put together a remarkably well-balanced and well-funded public/private plan.

Major Growth Spurt Ahead for Korean Robotics
2023-2026 Korea could leapfrog competition through integration of robotics, AI/ML, and ICT.                READ MORE>>

Korea Gets Serious About Robotics
“The government plans to invest $2.3 billion by 2030 to expand the robotics industry to a globally competitive level,” about $329 million annually from 2024-2030.          READ MORE>>