Soft Robot Tech Co., Ltd.

SRT Helps Vegetable Operators Drive Business Growth with Flexible Grippers

“The arrival of SFG flexible grippers has made standardized production and products more unified. In a sense, this has deepened the potential link of long-term cooperation between us and customers. In our hearts, SRT sent us
A truly good front-line colleague!”

According to the fresh vegetable market research report, by 2027, the global fresh vegetable market will reach $725 million (5.2 billion yuan). 
The strong development momentum of the vegetable industry is driving global vegetable operators to move closer to more modern production, transportation, packaging and sorting technologies. A North American potato growing company is using soft robotics and automation to drive business growth while maintaining strong market competitiveness.

What kind of advanced technology can allow global vegetable operators to truly realize the “last mile of freshness from field to table” for vegetable products? We will find the answer from the SRT flexible gripper in the sorting of vegetables in bulk/mesh bags.

Vegetables such as potatoes, garlic, and carrots are usually sold in whole bags. In the packaging and sorting process of such vegetables in net bags, the sorting equipment used needs to be reliable, accurate, safe and non-destructive. Therefore, soft robotic automation that can realize flexible production becomes the key.

In the increasingly mature automation world, the SRT flexible gripper combines a variety of flexibility. The gripper is made of polymer silicone flexible material, and its unique gripper can firmly grasp the packaged potato bags, carrot bags, garlic bags or sweet potato bags. The SRT flexible gripper has strong adaptability and will not damage the product due to excessive clamping force.

“Flexible Grippers Solves Rising Labor Costs and Limited Productivity”
The bags of vegetables are dense, easy to collide with each other, and are relatively loose, so they cannot be sorted by automated equipment. Therefore, most production lines still rely on manual sorting and packing. Inspired by bionics, the SRT flexible gripper has pneumatic fingers that simulate the gripping action of a human hand, which can replace part of manual assembly line operations, and its service life of 3 million times is also unsurpassed by manual work.

A sweet potato production company in the Philippines has successfully used flexible grippers, and only one person can complete the sorting of sweet potatoes. According to data, by using SRT flexible grippers, the overall equipment efficiency of the vegetable packaging and sorting line can be increased by about 15%, and a 100% return on investment can be achieved during the period from June to October.

If you are interested in the above products, please contact us for a consultation.

You can speak to an SRT expert to guide you to the right solution.

Contact: Tel: +86 400-186-7770, or
Website: SRT Soft Robot Tech
To Download a “Product Manual” or “Instruction Manual” please use website contact: SRT Soft Robot Tech


“Trying automation is to better serve customers”
A vegetable sorting automation equipment buyer once told SRT: “Now many domestic and foreign vegetable companies are trying to increase automation equipment. The purpose of this is to improve the safety and health of vegetables by means of mechanization. Second, we hope to use intelligent and automated equipment to improve the quality of vegetables and create value-added services for our customers (mainly referring to the supply of non-destructive vegetables) while reducing the cost.”

“You know, there are strict standards in place before the vegetables are delivered, and we always take care that every bag of vegetables is produced with as little damage as possible,” the official said.

“When Soft Claw stepped in, it was a huge success for us”
“The SRT flexible gripper can control the air pressure to apply an adjustable force to the vegetables in the net bag, and then sort and pack them.

The stability is strong, and there is no need to worry about bumps caused by accidental drops, which will damage the quality of the vegetable bags. At the same time It also brings a double surprise of a straight-line increase in sorting efficiency.”

A tomato supplier also said: “SFG flexible gripper has brought us great success. On the one hand, SFG flexible gripper has helped us to maintain a safer production environment to a large extent.

It reduces manual labor The contact of vegetables, which ensures that every bag of vegetables from picking to the table is safe. On the other hand, the SFG flexible gripper allows us to have a more reasonable arrangement of labor.

We have removed some employees from mechanical low-value Freeing them up from their jobs and moving them to more important jobs is also a huge benefit for employees.”

“The flexible gripper has become our production line colleague”
An operator from the bagged vegetable sorting line also said to SRT: “At first, I thought that the flexible gripper was to replace us, but later I found out that it is to cooperate with us.

One person is equipped with multiple SFG flexible grippers to work together. Operations, the unprecedented sense of experience, let us truly feel the technological atmosphere of the smart factory, the motivation is stronger, and the efficiency has also improved a lot.”

“Not only that, the arrival of SFG flexible grippers has made standardized production and products more unified. In a sense, this has deepened the potential link of long-term cooperation between us and customers. In our hearts, SRT sent us A truly good front-line colleague.”