picks for 2019

Most Innovative 2019

Cobotics World’s Top 5 Grippers

SCHUNK, Robotiq, OnRobot, Piab, New Scale

The Gripper Guys from Genoa Pick Most Innovative Grippers for 2019

Roboticists pick grippers
It’s always interesting to see what roboticists pick as the most innovative engineering in grippers and cobots. The Guys from Genoa pick their Top 5 grippers for 2019 (Cobotics World).

First-class engineering, capability, and utility seem to be their most important criteria.

OnRobot VGC10 vacuum gripper – What an upgrade from its predecessor.

OnRobot VGC10 Vacuum gripper
Half the weight of the previous model with smaller and more compact design for the latest arrival at OnRobot. This is what we call an upgrade! 15 kg payload, no need for external air supply, two independently controlled air channel and many possible customizations.

Schunk Co-Act EGH – A true HRC device.

Schunk Co-Act EGH

Another piece to Schunk portfolio of collaborative grippers confirming its intention to become a reference for cobotic applications. The Co-Act EGH is a true plug and work device with HRC features and fast hardware and software integration.

Robotiq Air Pick and Robotiq E pick – The vacuum twins from Quebec.



Robotiq Air Pick
Robotiq E pick

Robotiq was maybe undecided about which strategy to follow for their new vacuum tool and they answered by launching two products, covering all the clients’ needs. While Air Pick offers a powerful vacuum flow in a compact design, E Pick allows for gripping with no external air supply. No need to speak about plug and play features and possible customizations.

Piab piCOBOT and piSOFTGRIP –  Full steam towards food industry automation.

Piab piCOBOT

Piab piCobot vacuum tool is definitely not a newbie but its upgraded mechanical and electrical interfaces allow for integration with almost the full stack of cobots on the market. piSOFTGRIP is a new natural powerful extension, a food-compliant silicon plug and play gripper for soft manipulation.

New Scale NSR-PG-10-20-URe – The first cobotic caliper.

New Scale NSR-PG-10-20-URe

The first automatic caliper for cobots. With a measurement precision of 2.5 µm, four times better than its predecessor, this electrical parallel gripper is the right tool for small parts inspection and gauging. Now, looking forward to an extension in term of cobots compatibility.

These award-winning roboticists from Hiro Robotics also took a look at some innovative cobot arms.

Here’s their take on the most notable cobots for 2019.

Need the specs or the lowdown on any gripper or EAOT in the world? Check out Cobotics World’s exhaustive gripper catalog.

Same goes for cobots. They have a cobot catalog—with a nice, easy-to-use layout—that’s got them all.

And the sales leaders are?
What sort of a marketplace are these five–SCHUNK, Robotiq, OnRobot, Piab, New Scale–headed into in 2020?

Which of the five will write the most orders…and why?

Check out the details here:

And please remember to hang with us throughout the year. We look forward to serving you. 

New Column:The Gripper Chronicles
The Rise of the Smart Gripper
What next for the all-important, business end of every robot…the gripper?




